Beginning with the foundation of love the Lord, with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, we are reminded of the great commission to go forth and teach all nations. All believers have been equipped to fulfill this mandate in at least some small way as each has a spiritual gift and a calling to do so.
Rev. D reminded us that prayer is our speaking with God and the word is him speaking to us. The first three verses of Colossians chapter 3 give us the way and means of doing this. This chapter can be summed up with the words “as unto the Lord”, this is how we are to approach every task that comes to us.
Reading 1 Corinthians chapter 12 is overwhelming, as it seems too much and too big to absorb. Our calling and purpose are not found in the mouthfuls of information we read in God’s word. It is found in the still small voice of God speaking to each believer personally, sometimes echoing in a single word. It often unfolds in tasks we might never have considered doing. I remember my mother saying that her beginning was in the most unexpected and unlikely volunteer request. In it, she found a niche opportunity that spoke to her heart and was the first step in her journey of tomorrow. Coming from a background with a congregation merely warming the pews to actually being involved was as new to her as the whole Christian experience.
Like everything else in life, finding our calling is a journey. Every journey begins with one small courageous step forward into new territory. Our God is able to do above and beyond and we must listen for the still small voice telling us the way to go, as we listen to the words of encouragement, Rev D will bring us next week in part 2.